Saturday, September 19, 2009

WARNING! The Conents In This Post May Be Disturbing to Some Viewers or To Anyone Suffering From a Weak Stomach!

Let me preface this by saying, all Lily had to eat the entire day was dairy products!

The day started with a bottle and some pancakes for Lily. We waited for Vincent to get out of school so that we could meet up at the Gateway in Salt Lake with the cousins. All went well, except that Lily didn't really want to eat lunch. She had two bites of Vincent's macaroni, watermelon and some ice cream. After lunch, we went to the splash pad were we had fun playing until it was time to go. We packed up, I gave Lily her a bottle and we were off for the long haul home. On my way I got to thinking and thought, "I might as well stop and do some grocery shopping since I have some extra time."

No problem... or so I thought!

First stop, Costco. Vincent LOVES Costco for all the yummy samples; he makes sure to hit every stand even if the item doesn't necessarily appeal to him. And, of course, he always picks up a sample for his sister. Lily had a Gogurt, some pirate booty and a few more things that were dairy. They practically had a meal at Costco.

Let's recap:
A bottle
Ice cream
Pirate Booty

Next stop, Sunflower Market. By this time, Lily had been sitting a long time and just wanted to run around. (As I have said before, she always has to be moving and only stops moving for two things: Pee Wee's Big Adventure and

So I decided to let Lily out of the cart to walk around with Vincent as I collected a couple of veggies. The next thing you know, she had a MASSIVE cough attack (she, by the way, had just gotten over severe croup). I walked closer to her to see if she was OK. She clearly got herself a little worked up from running and the next thing you know:

My first instinct is to catch the vomit as it comes flying out which of course makes a HUGE mess all over me, as well as herself and Vincent. I was frozen! I didn't know what to do except stand there and let it happen. Had I tried to rush her over to the bathroom, it would have made a bigger mess. I figured, "stay there and at least that will keep it isolated to one area." As this is all taking place there is this lady who is just standing there gasping and saying "Oh, dear!" every five seconds, and never once offered to help me. In desperation for some help, I told Vincent to run to the cashier as fast as he could and tell them that he needed help right away." So, he runs off as quick as he could. Can you believe it??? That lady stood there as I sent my 5-year old son off to get me help.

Anyway, Lily is STILL throwing up and just when you think she is done, more would come out! It was HORRIBLE!!! It smelled like a gallon of milk had been sitting out for five months. It had cottage cheese chunks and everything.

While I am sitting there waiting for Vincent to get me help, an employee came by, looked at me, and said in a very "blah" and lazy voice, "I'll go get a mop." He didn't even rush off in a hurry. Then I said to the lady who is STILL standing there, "I left my diaper bag in the car and I don't have any wipes." She replied: "Oh, of course. Wouldn't ya know it...that always happens when you aren't prepared." She then continues to stand there and stare.

as if I wasn't embarrassed enough already, this REALLY HOT guy comes around the corner, sees me, doesn't even hesitate for a second and says, "Oh my gosh! What do you need? I will go get you some paper towels!" and quickly runs off. WHY is there always a really attractive guy around when you are either totally ugly, buying tampons, you trip and fall, or whatever?? I am up to my ears in vomit...NICE!

(I just have to say as a side note that when I was telling my mother this story, she actually asked me if I had noticed if he was wearing a wedding ring. I laughed and said, "I have no idea. I didn't check. An extra marital affair wasn't the first thing on my mind.")

Anyway, the worker finally comes back with a mop and 2 DRY paper towels for me to wipe off with. What a joke! That wasn't even enough to wipe off one arm! As he was mopping, the hot guy came back with an employee to help out because he couldn't find the bathroom. So, then the hot guy looks at me and says, "Are you good? Do you need anything else?" and then notices the two paper towels in my hand. He then says, "Oh no no no. I will go get you more paper towels." I asked him if he would mind pushing my cart to the restroom instead so I could wash us all off. He smiled and said "Sure thing!" and then followed us to the bathroom. And, YES, the stupid lady was still standing there! This man was sooooo nice. He even tried to make me feel better by talking about how cute he thought Lily was. He dropped us off at the bathroom, handed me my purse and asked me if I was alright and needed anything else.

I stripped Lily down to her diaper, and cleaned Vincent and I off.

Now some of you may be wondering, "Where was Vincent this whole time and why he didn't come back?" Well, he took soooooo long because:
I said, "Come on Vincent... lets get outta here!" He replied by saying,"Now thaaat was a disaaaaster!"


Brent Nichols said...

Brendan is going to love this story...anything with bodily functions.

Allyson & Jere said...

Oh dear, that really was a disaster! That woman was clearly an idiot, I mean, c'mon, at least she could have had the decency to walk away if she wasn't going to help. SHEESH! Seriously though, nothing worse than barf, especially in a public place. Thank goodness for hot guys and you and your great attitude.

Miss J said...

Seriously what was she doing? What could be so interesting about baby vomit that she needed to stand and stare?

Now, you're telling me that the hot guy was single?? LOL