Friday, September 12, 2008

Our First Visitors

Our First Visitors!

We had our first visitors and we loved it! Aunt Haley, Jausy, Grandma Robin, Papa Ish and Brendan came to see us. We had a lot of fun! Here are some highlights...

Smiley face pancakes for breakfast; we ate them outside in the beautiful weather!

We had a day at temple square with Jausy and Brendan. Jausy was really cute because when we got to the temple we happened to show up on a day when there were 50, I repeat, 50 brides. She was beside herself. She wanted to "go in the castle and see the princesses!"

We also went to what we thought was a flea market but turned out to be Mexican Heritage Days.

After temple square we went to Gateway. It is the new outdoor mall they built when the Olympics came to Salt Lake. The kids had a blast in the water.

Brendan and I on the other hand, were having a difficult time with the kids! We were very tired. After we left the Gateway it was time to go pick up Haley from the Airport. We couldn't remember where we parked and, in the meantime, Lillian had pooped and it was foul! We were trying so hard to find our car. Finally, we found it and were trying to get the wet kids in and I was changing Lily's diaper in the back. Well, I left the diaper in the tailgate and forgot about it, so when I shut the tailgate it smashed the dirty smelly diaper in the car. Then, on the way to the airport, we were in a traffic detour because there was a bike race going on. As we were waiting to get to the light, Brendan looks to his right and sees a man having a seizure on the concrete stairs. He jumped out to go help. This man's girlfriend was screaming for someone to call 911. When Brendan got closer, he noticed the man was bleeding everywhere from his head. He had fallen and hit his head, had a seizure, and was unconscious. That was scary. Brendan stabilized the man and then left because we were late to the airport. As we were driving, we got lost on these winding industrial roads, and then Lily decides to start screaming and become inconsolable. Let's just say we were VERY happy for Aunt Haley to arrive!

As far as Grandma and Papa Ish, there were only able to come up for a day due to the death of Ishy's beloved brother Abraham Naim. Abraham died from a seizure he had in the middle of the night. Abraham had epilepsy cause from an accident he had working at Walmart. We all loved him very much and appreciated his great sense of humor. He always made us laugh.

Abraham Naim 1963-2008


Julie said...

Hey Sabrina, I am so glad you are blogging so I can keep up with you! So glad you are loving Provo. We missed you this summer!

dani said...

Sounds like fun. That is totally something I would do with the poopy diaper!

Unknown said...

OK, so first of all the blog is A-DORABLE. Love the pics, the quotes, everything. LOVED the whole Jausy wanting to go in the temple to see the princesses, laughed my butt off at that one! And poor Brendan having to stabilize a guy on the way to the airport! How scary!! My personal favorite Vincent quote was about how wasps sting better than bees...he's totally right about that. Poor Josh...nothing like paying to have someone tell you how much what you've choosen to do sucks. You think they'd at least wait until the people got FINISHED with the courses and they'd collected their money to tell them that. Oh well, if nothing else, he'll get to read bunches and be the guy that knows every answer in the History category in Trivial Pursuit!

HOWEVER, I must say that I was QUITE disappointed that I was not even mentioned for my mad photography skills being that, like, 25% of the pictures on your blog are a result of my genius. Whats up with that?? See if I ever do a photo shoot with YOU again! ;o)