Saturday, September 27, 2008

Vincent changed Lily's diaper for the first time!

Vincent was very determined to change Lily's diaper by himself. I didn't have time to grab the video camera and my phone was all I had on hand. That is why there are 7 videos and there is no way to stream them into one. It is a little annoying but worth it. Each clip is 30 seconds long.
This was Vincent's first attempt to change Lillian's diaper. I say not bad for his first try. He obviously watched me well. He even put the straps in the back with out my having to remind him.

"It's sweaty!"

"Stop kicking!"

"Is this right?"

"That's the problem."

I love how he is putting the straps on the end of the diaper rather than fitting it to her waist.

"There we go."
(Notice at the end of the video he is trying to button her outfit.)

Vincent really is a wonderful big brother! He is always trying to help by giving her the pacifier,playing and singing to her and now...changing her diaper.


Jenn said...

Your kids are adorable. I loved reading about life in Utah. I hope all goes well. I am glad that I found your blog and can kind of keep up on your news.
Jenn Crandall

Bert and Kelli Millett said...

Hey Sabrina - just found your blog. How cute is your little family! I'm glad Provo is treating you well, sorry that Lilly is such high maintenence. Send your e-mail to and I'll send you an invite to our blog.