I was in rehearsal one Saturday and the director announced that they were looking for another boy to play Tiny Tim. I told him that I had a five-year old son and he asked that I bring him the following Monday for an audition.
I ran home as fast as I could and asked Vincent if he wanted to be in a play with mommy. He said "Yes!" I made sure not to push the issue because I only wanted him to do it if HE really wanted to. I know he didn't really understand the gravity of what it was he would be doing but I thought it would be a wonderful learning experience for him in so many ways. So, I encouraged him but didn't force him.
We went to the audition and there were only 2 other boys there. We didn't get to see them audition but they looked adorable so we just had no idea what we were up against.
The director asked Vincent to repeat a couple of lines back to him. They were:
"God bless us everyone" and "Oh father, look at the house, it's Christmas." Vincent did a good job saying the lines but was far from animated with his face and body. He was actually quite fidgety with his hands but did as well to be expected from a five-year old auditioning for the first time. I didn't even really prepare him for the audition. He went in there very "raw."
After the reading, the director then asked him to sing a song that he would teach him. So, the director sang this (called I Saw Three Ships):
And all the bells on Earth did ring
On Christmas day, on Christmas day.
And all the bells on Earth did ring
On Christmas day in the morning.
After the director sang through it once, he said "Alright Vincent. Why don't you give it a try?"
Well how overwhelming is that to a kid? Vincent pulled down on the bottom of his sweater, got a silly face and said "I can't remember all of that!" The director laughed and told him that his mom would help him out. So, I sang the song with him a few times and he picked up on it real quick. He was adorable!
And that was it... we were done. I had no idea what the outcome would be especially because we didn't know what we were comparing him to. I just know that I was really proud of him and thought it took a lot of guts to go and do what he just did.
The next day, Vincent was asking and asking me if he got the part and I had to keep telling him that I just didn't know. 11:30 rolled around and I had pretty much lost hope. Whom ever got the part would have to be at rehearsal that night so I thought for sure they would have made a call by then if he got the part. Then Vincent asked me if I would just call. Well, calling to see if you got a roll is a BIG HUGE NO NO. However, I was in the show and thought I would just text the stage manager because he was there and I knew he would know. So, I text him this:
Hi Robert. I was wondering if they already cast the role of Tiny Tim? My son is driving me nuts and I want to put him at rest either way. I hope I am not bugging you! Thanks, Sabrina.
To my surprise, he text back right away and said that I wasn't bugging him, that he was going to call on his lunch break and that Jere really wanted him as the part of Tiny Tim.
I was beside myself! I was going to be in a show with my little boy. I almost started crying but held it back and told Vincent that he got the part. We were so excited and I just couldn't have been happier. Josh was excited too! He thought it was great and he felt as proud as I did.
He started rehearsal and is doing a fantastic job. Everyone thinks he is so cute and just perfect for the role. The cast has really made him feel welcome.
Vincent had all his songs and lines memorized within two days and really loves the song, Oh Come All Ye Faithful. He is having a lot of fun and I can't wait to see how he does on stage.
We went in for a costume fitting the other day. He got out of his too fast so I couldn't get a picture. However, I was able to get a shot of mine. This is just a fitting so it will look even better than this. I will have period style boots, corset, gloves, wig, head pieces etc. So here they are...
How fun for both of you!
You look great btw!
How exciting I wish we could see you guys perform! Coincidentally we are going as a family to see A Christmas Carol at the Hale theater here in AZ.
How fun! I wish we could see you guys perfom. You guys look great!
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