Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's the Little Things...

Since I have lived in Utah--Provo of all places--I have found myself appreciating the small and simple things. For example: rain, the four seasons, my family, the smell of the shrubs after it rains, raising the shades in my house each morning and seeing the beautiful mountains, the blessing of a wonderful neighborhood, spending more time with my family because there are less distractions. It also makes me appreciate the things I had at home as well that I now don't have.

I woke up one morning, looked outside, and saw that my cherry tree bloomed within just one day, as well as my pear tree. It was so gorgeous that I had to take a picture!

Cherry tree...

Pear tree...

Blossom from the cherry tree...

I used to think I could live in a place like Seattle because I LOVE the rain and overcast weather. In Arizona, we hardly ever get rain, so when we did it was a perfect and invigorating day! I thought I could easily live in a place where it was non-stop rain and clouds. However, going through a winter here, I realized it isn't the overcast I love--it is the change. I actually figured out that too much gloom is depressing but so is non-stop sun. Each season we have makes me appreciate the season to come. For example, you enjoy the winter but by the end you are ready for spring. The sun comes out and everybody's mood changes. Then you think, "Enough rain. I want to go swimming!" The next thing you know, summer is here and by the end of the summer you are ready for cool weather again, and so on. Another thing I think about is that the earth looks so beautiful when the leaves are out, the grass is green and everything is alive. However, when it goes dormant and the leaves fall (and yes, it might look bleak and sad), but oh how more beautiful it is to watch it come back to life. It makes me think about how life can be monotonous at times and you feel dead inside, but there is always a rebirth or a light at the end of the tunnel. I found this makes me appreciate all varieties this world has to offer, and too much of one thing isn't necessarily good.

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