Friday, May 8, 2009

Jelly Shoes Are Back!

Jelly shoes are back and my baby is wearing them with style. OK, so her fat is bulging out of the tops of them and they look like they are cutting off her circulation but I assure you, they are not too tight despite all appearances.

We were at "Babies R Us" yesterday and I had a moment of weakness!!! I HAD to buy these jelly shoes. I figure since Lily is now standing by herself, then it is only a matter of time before she is walking and in that case, we need some shoes!

As you can see, she likes them very much and is definitely ready to go places.



Evon said...

LUV the chubby little feet!!!

Allyson & Jere said...

Holy crap, it's like looking at Vincent all over again. CRAZY! I too love her uber chubby feet, protruding out all over the place in those shoes. CUTE!